21 Aug Staff Appreciation Day
The staff of Village2Village Project in Uganda would like to thank one of our generous donors for providing the opportunity to come together and be acknowledged and appreciated for their work and commitment to the V2V children.
The staff have been very hard at work in the last month. They just completed distributing more than 136,000 meals to our families and the surrounding community during the famine relief initiative, as well as doing the final investigation on our seven newest children. It was exhausting and required a lot of extra evenings and weekends. We are so happy to have the opportunity to recognize their commitment to these children.
On Saturday, July 29th, they were invited for a day of food and fellowship! They were treated with foods that are reserved only for very special occasions. They had passion fruit juice (pictured in the plastic bags on the below), fried potatoes, atap (local bread), fruit, avocado, cabbage salad, roasted goat, chicken and pork.
And in true Ugandan style, they also enjoyed dancing, singing and praying together. What a thoughtful idea to fund a very special Staff Appreciation Day!

Doing what they call the “Monkey Dance”

Staff praying for each other and the children
Rose, our accountant, is listening to words
of appreciation from Michael, Dir of Operations
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