22 Jul A Young Woman Named Bridget
Bridget had lost both of her parents to AIDS (they had been Primary Teachers) and was living with her HIV+ grandfather when she was accepted into Village2Village Project in Serere, Uganda.

Bridget was able to join the community of children with similar tragic stories for comfort and understanding, breakfast, lunch and Saturday programming with games and activities. Her school fees were always paid, her medical care was provided for and she was surrounded by caring staff members to advise and advocate for her; all while continuing to stay with her grandfather within her cultural context.

Years later, Bridget has grown into a young woman with confidence, strong leadership qualities, a wide smile and has the comfort and security in knowing she is LOVED within her community and KNOWS she can HOPE in her future.

As a testament to her leadership abilities Bridget was recently elected by her Village2Village Project peers to be Vice President of their community (the equivalent of Student Council Vice President).

Bridget has just graduated from Advanced Level Secondary School, something fewer than 15%* of Ugandans (of both genders) accomplish, and scored well on her National Leaving Examinations. *Unesco
Now, her eyes are on University.
“I am very good at practical, applied things….things that I can DO.”
And DO she does.

Bridget was given $50 from her sponsor as a birthday gift, which she took and purchased two goats that produced babies. She raised them, sold them and purchased a piglet. After some time, determination and care she has broadened her heard to include a cow, pigs, and goats.

As a lover of animals with a knack for business, she sought counsel from her school advisers about a future career and major for University. With their help, she decided on Animal Husbandry and researched which university had the best program. Bridget was accepted to an excellent school, Ugandan Christian University, but they didn’t offer the major she wanted so she held out for her first choice: Busitema University.
And don’t you know, she was just accepted.
Bravo Bridget!
We believe in you and stand with you on your journey!
Our deep gratitude to all of you who have made Bridget’s (and other children just like her) journey possible through Village2Village Project!
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