30 Jan Peer Elected Leaders
I thought you would enjoy seeing the peer elected leaders at the Village2Village Project. This picture was taken after a team meeting with the head of the Children’s Department. (Sam, Esther, Jesca, Nelson, Alex, Isaac, Ivan, Bridget)
Watching these children stepping up into leadership positions in the Project was such a blessing and source of encouragement to me. During my last trip to Uganda in October 2011, I saw two of these children struggling to find their way in the world. One, painfully shy and struggling to excel academically was not only elected to lead by his peers, but also did so well during the last school year that he was awarded a scholarship for this school year! In addition, he has come out of his shell socially, leading the entire group of children in morning devotions (for example) and has even discovered that he has an incredible sense of humor that people really respond to. The other young man was in crisis both in his behavior and school work the last time I was in the country. After a change in schools, and many long conversations and much shepherding, this young man has truly transformed. His behavior is not only improved, he is now an EXAMPLE to the other children. Anything that needed to get done, he was in the center of making it happen. My impression of him in 2011 was that he was troubled and insecure, now he is confident, bright eyed and enthusiastic. I took time to tell him How – proud – I – was – of – him. He signed parting thank you letters to Laurie and I “From the Future Surgeon”. Well I’ll be……
A year and a half ago I would have never guessed that these two young men would be elected to leadership positions by their peers, that they would embrace their responsibilities, that they would earn (and deserve!) the respect of both their peers and the staff at the Village2Village Project….
But – God – is – doing – a – work – in – their – lives.
And I am blessed just to look on…..amazed.
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