Yoga noi.
Greetings from Village2Village Project.
This past month brought with it a scary experience for one of our children and a great example of why the comprehensive care we provide is so critical. Akol Carol, one of our secondary students, was having stomach pain while at school in Kampala. Our House of Love Manager in Kampala was called and immediately went to see Carol and took her to the doctor. She had a serious ulcer and needed to be monitored.
(One of our House of Love staff members, Esther, staying with Carol at the hospital).
After several days, it was determined that surgery couldn’t be avoided. Her mom was transported from the village to Kampala (an 8-10 hour journey) and they were able to stay together at the House of Love immediately after she was discharged from the hospital.
Uganda does not have a health care system where most people have insurance. Procedures will not be started without full payment beforehand. For most of our families, even those who have been in the program for many years, this is an expense beyond their capacity. Families like ours would begin to sell everything that they owned (goats, chickens, food stores) and borrow from other willing family members to try and afford lifesaving care, plunging them back into a very high-risk situation, potentially leaving them unable to feed themselves between harvest times. Often, by the time a family can find enough money, it is too late and the loved one dies. Village2Village Project provides the safety net these families need to continue to pull themselves out of extreme poverty.
Carol (center) with her mom and House of Love staff member Esther
at the House of Love after being discharged from the hospital.
We all know too well that unexpected health issues and accidents happen. For those of you who have given a little bit more at the end of the year, or participated in the match last year, or are #VillagePartners giving to the General Fund, THIS is an example of the life-giving care your contributions provide for. #Amazing
We thank you!
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